Consultants who specialize in surgery

One of the most important consultants who specialize in surgery
Bone joins the team work of the Centre, Dubai Bone and Joint

Announced that the Dubai Centre for bones and joints, which is the first and only of its kind in the region for treatment and research in the structure of bone and muscular system, the appointment of Dr. Michael van Stegin senior consultant in orthopedic surgery to be within the team of elite specialists. The work of Dr. Michael van Stegin, a physician licensed by the Board of orthopedic surgery, before joining the Dubai Bone and joints, as a member of the President in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University Hospital in Maastricht (azM) in the Netherlands for 9 years as he worked with the Center for treatment of hemophilia and the Department of arthritis where more than 900 process and the supervision of knee replacement operations, in addition to more than 300 cases behind restoration of Sports Medicine. And Dr. Van Stegin specialist in knee surgery (turning of the joints) and Sports Medicine (Oncology, restoration, repair the bone is fixed), surgery, hands, and Surgical Oncology and arthritis. As that of Dr. van Stegin experience in the United Arab Emirates, where he worked in Mafraq Hospital, Dubai Hospital and doctor visits a specialist re-restoration of knee and sports medicine. Got Dr. Van Stegin his medical degree from the University of Amsterdam in 1990, and specialty surgery, general "Owens Muff Lavrov Gastis" in Amsterdam between the years 1994-1996, and completed his studies in medicine from the University of Amsterdam, as well as to conduct research at the University of Vermont in the United States of America . In 1998 he worked as a colleague in the hospital specialized surgery in New York with a focus on restoration surgery behind. He also went to Dr. Van Stegin Kingdom of Bhutan in 1996 in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of the health program for volunteers across the world and to the clinic "Klnik GT" in St. Moritz, Switzerland as well as in the Department of Surgical Oncology. He also served as a consultant for Sports Medicine in MVV club football in the Netherlands, added to the delivered a lecture in medical curriculum at the University of Maastricht. In addition, Dr. Van Stegin written numerous books on surgery, bone in addition to delivering the words of a number of conferences and seminars around the world.

Last Update
5/24/2011 12:33:55 PM

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